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A Gathering of Chelas

"Enlightened Moments"

Conversations Concerning Cosmic Law Series

Beloved, in these new broadcasts we will present to you Cosmic Law through the Ascended Masters Teaching.  We will cover various topics such as precipitation, health, prosperity, education, healing, divine government ...

Each of these broadcasts is approximately two hours long.

The first broadcast is:

December 2, 2023

2:00pm - 4:15pm Central Time


Unlocking the Treasures of Heaven


We will make the announcement on this page

for the time of each succeeding  event.

For each event you must register using the form following.

We sincerely hope you will join us to expand your horizons!

So please check back  with us on this page for the next

"Enlightened Moments"!

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Enlightened Moments


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Thank you for your donation!

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