A Gathering of Chelas
Welcome to our
24/7 Radio Broadcast of
Ascended Masters' Program
Beloved, we know you will want to join us as often as you can to bring your love and light to our planet Earth.
Every month we will be broadcasting a new program for your enlightenment.
Your registration is good for 1 year ( May 1 to April 30 the following year).
This is a Private Broadcast for students of the Ascended Masters.
All that is required is your registration and participation. The programs are updated on the 1st of each month.
All scheduled programing are in US Eastern Time Zone. For conversion please CLICK HERE
Radio Class Decrees (and the day of the week decrees) are not the same as the regular weekend classes.
Registration is below. After registration you will be redirected to the download page for Decrees.
Here is the SCHEDULE of the radio program. We hope you will enjoy it and please leave us a comments,
feedback and suggestions on what you would like to hear.
Please CLICK HERE for more Detailed Descriptions of each program.